11 May 2012 The first days of May Man, a good friend came to visit. Manu is by the way the man who sailed with us through our first (and so far only storm). And as an honor for having been brave and calm in the storm, we named or autopilot after him. Manu, please come gain soon, and stay longer!! :) Unfortunately we had barely no wind at all during Manu's stay, but we slowly drifted from village to village and a had plenty of time to eat ridiculous amounts of good food. We saw Riposto, Molini and Taormina. In Molini we had delicious gelati, bought straight from the little truck on the street. Here it seems completely normal that you put your money in a little basket and wire it down from the balcony to the ice-cream seller and shout down what taste you want. Isn't it perfect?!

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