6. December 2012

To keep up with the boat theme I went for a boat ride and a long and nice stroll along the key here n the city to get an image of boat life in winter. On most of those boats it seems like there are people living all year round. I am quite sure they have better heating than we we do on board La Negra. For the moment we have no heating at all, and Axel is complaining about temperatures below 10 inside the boat.

The real reason for or boat ride and long snowy walk was a christmas dinner at this fairytale restaurant. Now, after a few beers, some schnaps, unhealthy masses of food, a long, cold, slippery and tiering walk and a refreshing boat ride, I am drop dead tired.
Good night.


  1. Holy shit! And I am complaining about the cold?! Anyways on my way to the hardware store to buy another heater. :)

  2. Ich habe gehört Axel, morgen soll es auch in Griechenland schneien :)
