1. May 2013

Today I was sitting on the dinghy, negotiating with myself to get my ass into the water, and in the meanwhile I was looking out over the water in our anchor bay, and all of I sudden I see dolphins jumping just a couple of hundred meters away from us. I got Axel into the dinghy and we made our way to take a a closer look at our new neighbours. For 20 minutes or so we drove back and forth and swam around, while the dolphins were swimming around and played at just a tiny distance from us. For a moment they were just a meter or so awayfrom us.

I think what I like the most about dolphins is that they make me happy and excited in a way that I cant remember being since I was a child. They just make me yell-laugh and point and giggle and go all nuts. Such a lovely feeling.

Fantastic animals, please come again soon!!

Besides from this, not much news. We are still on Kos, Axel hates it and cant wait toget on. Tomorrow afternoon Ill get on the ferry to Turkey and Axel can leave Kos behind.

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